As the holiday season comes to an end, many of us are left with a pile of gifts that may not have been quite what we were hoping for. Whether it’s an ill-fitting sweater or a gift card to a store we never shop at, it can be tricky to know what to do with these unwanted presents. In a recent interview with «FAKTAM», our interviewee shared some helpful tips on how to handle those not-so-perfect gifts.
First and foremost, it’s important to remember that the thought behind the gift is what truly matters. It’s easy to get caught up in the material aspect of gifts, but the fact that someone took the time and effort to choose a present for you should not be overlooked. Our interviewee emphasized the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation for the gesture, regardless of whether or not the gift was to your liking.
If the gift is something that you can exchange or return, our interviewee suggests doing so without hesitation. Many stores have generous return policies, especially during the holiday season, so it’s worth checking to see if you can exchange the gift for something that you will actually use and enjoy. This not only ensures that the gift doesn’t go to waste, but it also allows you to have something that you truly appreciate.
However, if the gift cannot be returned or exchanged, our interviewee advises against regifting it. While it may seem like an easy solution, it can potentially backfire if the original giver finds out or if the new recipient doesn’t appreciate the gift either. Instead, our interviewee suggests donating the gift to a charity or giving it to someone who may appreciate it more. Not only does this eliminate any potential awkwardness, but it also allows the gift to bring joy to someone else.
Another option for unwanted gifts is to repurpose them. Our interviewee shared a personal experience of receiving a gift that she didn’t particularly like, but was able to turn it into something useful. She received a set of kitchen utensils, which she already had, but instead of letting them go to waste, she decided to keep them in her office for when she needs a quick snack. This way, the gift still serves a purpose and is not going to waste.
It’s also important to remember that it’s okay to simply thank the giver and then do what you wish with the gift. Our interviewee stressed that there is no obligation to keep or use a gift that you don’t like. As long as you express gratitude and handle the situation with grace, there is no need to feel guilty about not using the gift.
In the end, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of the holiday season and not get too caught up in the materialistic side of things. Our interviewee reminds us that the true meaning of gift-giving is to show love and appreciation for one another, and that should be the main focus. So, whether you loved all your gifts or not, remember to express gratitude and spread joy this holiday season.