On December 31st, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on his Telegram channel that he had held a meeting of the technological council. This meeting, which was attended by top government officials and experts in various fields, focused on the development and implementation of new technologies in Ukraine.
During the meeting, President Zelensky emphasized the importance of embracing technology in order to drive economic growth and improve the lives of Ukrainian citizens. He stated that Ukraine has the potential to become a leader in the global technology market and that the government is committed to creating a favorable environment for innovation and investment.
One of the main topics discussed at the meeting was the development of a national strategy for the digital economy. This strategy aims to promote the use of digital technologies in various sectors, such as healthcare, education, and agriculture. It also includes plans to improve the country’s digital infrastructure and increase access to high-speed internet in rural areas.
President Zelensky also highlighted the need for Ukraine to catch up with other countries in terms of e-government services. He stressed the importance of simplifying bureaucratic processes and making government services more accessible and efficient through the use of technology.
The meeting also addressed the issue of cybersecurity, with President Zelensky emphasizing the need to protect Ukraine’s digital infrastructure from cyber threats. He stated that the government is working on a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to ensure the safety and security of the country’s digital assets.
In addition to discussing the future of technology in Ukraine, the meeting also focused on current projects and initiatives. President Zelensky praised the successful launch of the ProZorro e-procurement system, which has saved the government millions of dollars and increased transparency in public procurement.
The President also announced plans to establish a national innovation fund to support startups and small businesses in the technology sector. This fund will provide financial assistance and mentorship to entrepreneurs and help them bring their ideas to life.
The meeting of the technological council was seen as a positive step towards Ukraine’s technological development. It demonstrated the government’s commitment to embracing new technologies and creating a favorable environment for innovation and investment. The President’s message was clear – Ukraine is open for business and ready to become a major player in the global technology market.
In conclusion, President Zelensky’s announcement of the technological council meeting on his Telegram channel was met with enthusiasm and optimism. It showed that the government is taking concrete steps towards embracing technology and promoting its use in various sectors of the economy. With the right policies and investments, Ukraine has the potential to become a leader in the global technology market and improve the lives of its citizens.