ДомойПолитикаВолонтер Яровая: Сколько мы ссорились с Резниковым! Я говорила: "Выходите на Prozorro",...

Волонтер Яровая: Сколько мы ссорились с Резниковым! Я говорила: «Выходите на Prozorro», он отвечал, что это невозможно. В итоге мы сэкономили более 6 млрд грн на питании

Thanks to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine’s transition to purchasing food through the Prozorro system, billions of hryvnias have been saved. This was revealed by a volunteer, member of the Kiev Public Anti-Corruption Council at the Ministry of Defense, and advisor to the Deputy Minister of Defense, Dana Yarovaya, in an interview with the founder of the online publication «GORDON», Dmitry Gordon.

The Prozorro system, which was launched in 2016, is an electronic public procurement platform that aims to increase transparency and efficiency in government procurement processes. It has been widely praised for its success in reducing corruption and saving government funds.

According to Yarovaya, the Ministry of Defense’s decision to use Prozorro for food procurement has resulted in significant cost savings. «Thanks to this system, we have been able to save billions of hryvnias, which would have otherwise been lost to corruption,» she stated.

This move by the Ministry of Defense is a significant step towards combatting corruption in Ukraine, which has long been a major issue in the country. The use of Prozorro has not only saved money, but it has also increased competition among suppliers, leading to better quality products being purchased.

Yarovaya also highlighted the importance of transparency in government procurement processes. «The use of Prozorro has allowed us to eliminate any potential for corruption and ensure that the best and most cost-effective products are purchased for our military,» she explained.

The success of Prozorro in the Ministry of Defense has also inspired other government agencies to adopt the system. Yarovaya revealed that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health are also in the process of transitioning to Prozorro for their procurement needs.

The positive impact of Prozorro on government procurement has not gone unnoticed by the international community. The system has received praise from organizations such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

In addition to the financial benefits, the use of Prozorro has also improved the overall efficiency of the procurement process. Yarovaya noted that the system has reduced the time it takes to complete a procurement process from months to just a few weeks.

The success of Prozorro in the Ministry of Defense is a testament to the Ukrainian government’s commitment to fighting corruption and promoting transparency. It serves as an example for other countries facing similar challenges.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Defense’s transition to using Prozorro for food procurement has resulted in significant cost savings and increased transparency in government procurement processes. This move has not only saved billions of hryvnias, but it has also improved the overall efficiency of the procurement process. The success of Prozorro in the Ministry of Defense serves as a shining example for other government agencies and countries to follow in the fight against corruption.

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